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Supporting Quotes:
Oral History Theory by Lynn Abrams
788 "In conducting oral histories one is always aware of a project's open-ended nature in that few interviews stick to the script the researcher has set and new avenues for research are constantly being introduced by the respondent. But historians find it hard to break out from their disciplinary straitjacket."
797 "she or he has to push at the disciplinary envelope, employ methods of practice and analysis which might feel strange or antithetical to conventional ways of doing historical research, to move away from the approach that sees oral history merely as a means of answering our pre-prepared research questions."
812 "Those working outside the rather restrictive conventions of the academy have more successfully privileged the wordss of their respondents.
844 "Few authors, however (and Passerini is an exception), are happy with placing themselves as interviewers in the published text. Interview questions are rarely reproduced, the to and fro of a conversation is infrequently alluded to. We write about the interview relationship but are loath to be honest about our own role (asking leading questions, sticking to our interview agenda and so on.)"
874 "The study of the self therefore is seen not only as ameans of accessing subjectivity but as a way of studying culture and the relationship between the two."
889 "In recent decades, the significance of the self has become more prominent in historical writing. Marxist historians in the 1980s saw the self as a site of resistance to structures of domination"
929 " Europe, there ws a vieew that the self was an innate entity which the individual inherited by dint of their gender, race and religious heritage. This was the theory of essentialism, the notion that the self is determined by enduring and innate qualities..."
1148 "By contrast, ..... she found their 'womanstories' deviated from the unilinear narrative. Often in order to focus on aspects of personal life....... and indeed crafted more complex and fuller stories than their male counterparts........The socialist feminist historian Sheila Rowbotham argues that women can overcome their silencing by the dominant male individualist narrative mode and come to express tehri sense of self by recognising that women as a group have a common historical experience."
1163 "Sociologist Liz Stanley's approach is to argue that the act of writing a self, literally writing a diary or an autobiography (but also presumably narrating an oral history), is a means by which women 'gain possession of a sense of self' which had been absent or silenced."
1386 "memories stories are manufactured in an interview environment pulsating with influences - ranging from words and inflections, moods and the agenda of the interviewer, to the interaction between interviewer and narrator. The narrator's responses - the language used, the emotions expressed, the tone adopted - will be influenced by the immediate interview context."
1464 "Once oral historians acknowledge that they as researchers are part of the research is a simple step to thinking about the ways in which their own subjectivity impacted on the stories.... The historian cannot play such an active and creative role in the production of a primary source and then conveniently ignore his or her own presence in the process at the analysis stage."
1479 "In other words, 'we only know ourselves through a series of interactive moments with others', and we may invent different selves for each moment or interaction. In 1959, sociologist Erving Goffman's approach in The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life focused on the intricacies of everyday interpersonal interaction and argued that people act differently in different contexts and that they adopt particular roles in face-to-face interactions depending upon the specific circumstances of that context."
1573 "
Black Feminist Thought by Patricia Hill Collins
Inner Lives by Paula Johnson
Out of Our Minds: Learning to be Creative by Ken Robinson
3105 "But not every factor in education is new. The cultivation of feeling has long been marginalized bby academic education...... there is no question that formal education and training have played a part, at times a major part, in the exile of feelings from Western culture." ...
3123 "rationalist worldview....common characteristics ... the powers of logic and deduction are the true hallmarks of independent thought; these powers are the most reliable source of knowledge of oneself and of the material world; true knowledge is objective and independent of cultural values and personal feelings." (this excludes a lot and also supports sexism; it also excuses a lot of behaviors; and encourages a lot of discrimination)
3131 "Education should not be knowledge based but child centered. Natural models of education make the following assumptions: education should develop the whole child and not just their academic abilites. It should engage their feelings, physical development, moral education and creativity. "
3162 "Naturalists argued that academic education marginalized feelings, intuition, aesthetic sensibility and creativity - the very qualities that make human beings human." (if the pedagogy is designed to support this view then we can see how it is fertile ground for discrimination.)
3278 "It is sometimes assumed that the sciences are "above reproach, beyond social influence, conceived in the rarefied atmosphere of purely scientific inquiry by some process of immaculate conception."
3317 "many of the great discoveries were made intuitively. Scientists do not move along a logical path. They may sense a solution or discovery intuitively before an experiment has been done...But although rational analysis plays a part, it is only part of the real process of science."
3325 "Objectivity is no guarantee of truth. Scientific arguments may be objective; they are not necessarily true."
3406 "The recognition of common creative processes in the arts and the sciences has led to a wide range of collaborative projects and to the early dawning of what may prove in our times to be a new Renaissance. It is a Renaissance based on a more holistic understanding of human concsiousness."
3414 "Bein sensitive to oneself and to others is a vital element in the development of the personal qualities that are now urgently needed, in business, in the community and in personal life"
3437 "our own ways of seeing the world are deeply influenced by our dealings with other people, not
3562 "As the digital revolution gathers pace we can expect even more radical modes of creative production to emerge, whose consequences are as hard for us to predict now as those of photography were for the Victorian members of the Royal Academy."
3597 "If you want a real sense of the lived experience of other times and communities it can be more effective to listen to their music, eat their food, absorb the imagery, hear their poetry and move with their dances. (The Sula party)
3613 "Like the course of each individual life, the broader processes of cultural development are not linear; nor are they easy to predict. They are dynamic, organic and complex."
3668 "The creativity of a culture depends on how openthese networks are and how easily we can access knowledge. Creativity is about making connections ,,,cultures that enforce boundaries between specialism can inhibit potentially valuable forms of innovation. The division of arts and sciences in Western cultures, and especially in education is a case in point."
3723 "feminsim was a trauma. It attacked someof the most cherished ideas about normal life: that men were the dominant sex that a woman's place was in the home; that sex was amale pleasure and a female duty; that men had great ideas and that women cared and wept."
Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking 2010
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